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Remote, automated, online sampling of user experiences, based on automatic logging of user actions or on timing over the network.


Users receive a small software package that takes care of logging their actions with the software to be studied, and which sends the loggings to a remote server across the network. At the server, specific (combinations of) user actions are recognised and were (beforehand) defined as triggering user experience sampling questions. Questions are predefined in combination with the triggering actions or defined timing and appear in a browser window at the user side of the system. Users need not be in a laboratory, but can work at their own computers at home.


Contextual measurement
Long-term measurement possible


Equipment in the form of dedicated software needed.
Tailoring is required for defining triggers and making them function.

References describing the method

Vermeeren A, Kort J., Cremers A., Smets N., Fokker J. Comparing UX measurements: a case study. Proceedings of COST294-workshop “Meaningful measures: Valid Useful User experience Measurement”, June 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland

Kort J., Vermeeren A.P.O.S., Fokker J.E. (2007). Conceptualization and measuring UX. In E Law, A Vermeeren, M Hassenzahl & M Blythe (Eds.), Towards a UX manifesto. COST294-MAUSE affiliated workshop (pp. 57-64). Lancaster: COST.

References about quality of the method

Vermeeren A, Kort J., Cremers A., Smets N., Fokker J. Comparing UX measurements: a case study. Proceedings of COST294-workshop “Meaningful measures: Valid Useful User experience Measurement”, June 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland

Kort J., Vermeeren A.P.O.S., Fokker J.E. (2007). Conceptualization and measuring UX. In E Law, A Vermeeren, M Hassenzahl & M Blythe (Eds.), Towards a UX manifesto. COST294-MAUSE affiliated workshop (pp. 57-64). Lancaster: COST.