Designing experiences in the age of human transformation: An analysis of Burning Man.

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Experience Design, Human Transformation, Environment Psychology, Transformation Design
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In the emerging transformation age, not only do experiences with transformational qualities happen by chance, but they are induced through intentional design. This study investigates the human gathering Burning Man, often stipulated as one of the world’s most transformative large-scale experiences. Grounded in the theoretical lens of environmental psychology, a deep topological analysis was conducted based on Instagram data to analyse participants’ digital outer expressions and find answers to their innermost transformative experiences. Through a holistic analysis of the pre-liminal, on-site, and post-liminal stages, socio-environmental and socio-psychological spheres, with 30 clusters that trigger potential transformation, could be revealed. This study contributes to the interdisciplinary discourse relating to human experience and transformation design in the tourism, events, and experience sectors.

Why is this publication important in experience research?

Contributes to the interdisciplinary discourse relating to human experience and transformation design.