Lia Patrício is Associate Professor at the University of Porto in Portugal, where she is the Director of the Master in Service Engineering and Management. Her research focuses on Service Design and Innovation and Customer Experience in Technology Enabled Services, Value Networks and Service Ecosystems. She coordinated the project with the Portuguese Ministry of Health for the design of the National Electronic Health Record. She was Principal Investigator Marie Curie Innovative Training Network on Service Design for Innovation, and she is currently coordinating the WP on Citizen Engagement with smart energy services in the POCITYF Horizon 2020 project.


(Digital) Service Experiences

This presentation explores customer experience with smart energy services, revealing how smart energy customers are empowered and are taking the lead in co-creating their experience, valuing the controllability, visibility, self-configuration, autonomy, and sustainability offered by smart services. Customers are also seeking the support of fellow customers in online communities, replacing service providers as the main go-to actor in their networks. These findings highlight the opportunity to leverage on smart technology potential to enable more visibility, personalization and control for customers, as they want to play a more autonomous role, while expecting a supportive relationship from the service provider. In this context, service providers should understand how they can become partners and support customers in creating their own experience within their value constellation, instead of being lead orchestrators.