7 Experiences Summit 2022

October 12-15, 2022
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, U.S.A
October 12-15, 2022
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, U.S.A
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7 Experiences Summit took place on October 12-15, 2022 in Provo, UT, USA.

The official 7 Experiences Summit website is at

After two successful 7 Experiences Summits in 2020 (by Aalto University) and 2021 (by Experience Research Society and Breda University of Applied Sciences) that took place online, the 2022 edition of the summit was a successful physical gathering in Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, U.S.A. Additionally, a small number of  participants joined the conference online.

Keynote Speakers included:

More information about the keynote speakers and their presentations and the full summit program.


General chairs: Brian Hill, Mat Duerden

Originally, research abstracts and workshop proposals for the conference were accepted until April 15, 2022 (note the extension). Notifications about accepted papers were sent May 31, 2022.  Early registration for the conference will be available until July 31, 2022.  Registration closes October 1, 2022.

7 Experiences Summit 2022 –Call for Submissions

The Experience Research Society will hold its 3rd annual 7 Experiences Summit October 12-15, 2022 at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, USA. The theme for the conference is “Thriving Through Experiences.” The experiences individuals have and organizations provide play a huge role in determining the extent to which individuals and organizations thrive. The conference will provide a space for researchers and professionals to come together to share and discuss research examining the connection between experiences and thriving.

The 2022 7 Experiences Summit features two submission formats: research abstracts and workshop proposals. Selected research abstracts will be organized into both oral and poster sessions. You will need to indicate your delivery format preference on your proposal. Oral research sessions will last one hour and include 3-4 research presentations and workshops will last one hour.A poster session will be during the second evening of the conference. Presenters of oral research sessions and accepted posters are expected to register for and attend the conference.

Research Abstracts

A template for research abstracts is available at this link:

Two-page abstracts need to include the following elements:

TITLE: There is a limit of 15 words for the title. The title should be bolded and entered in sentence case (i.e., only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized).

PREFERRED FORMAT: research presentation, poster presentation, or either.

STUDENT AWARDS: If you are a student, you can choose to have your presentation judged for the Student Awards. If so, please designate if you are an undergraduate or graduate student

AUTHOR INFORMATION:Enter authors in the order they should appear in the abstract. Provide institutional affiliations and contact information.

KEYWORDS:Provide 3-5 key words.

ABSTRACT LENGTH AND FORMATTING: All abstracts must be in English and can be no longer than two-pages, single spaced (Times New Roman 12-pointfont, 1” margins) not including references and table/figures. Please use APA 7th citation guidelines for citations. Abstracts should include the following sections: introduction/rationale, methods, results, and discussion.

Workshop Proposals

A template for workshop abstract formatting is available at this link:

Proposals need to include the following elements:

TITLE: There is a limit of 15 words for the title. The title should be entered in sentence case (i.e., only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized).

AUTHOR INFORMATION:Enter authors in the order they should appear in the abstract. Provide institutional affiliations and contact information.

AUTHOR QUALIFICATIONS:Briefly (50 words or less) explain why the author(s) is qualified to conduct the proposed workshop.

SESSION DESCRIPTION: Describe the purpose, content, and structure of the workshop in 200 words or less.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Provide 3-5 learning outcomes, one sentence per learning outcome. Start learning outcomes with “At the end of this workshop, attendees will be able to_____.”

WORKSHOP STRUCTURE: Please describe how this session will be delivered (i.e.,number of presenters, format of session, interactivity, etc.) in 100 words or less.

FORMATTING: Please use a 10-or 12-point font, 1” margins, and single spacing. Use APA 7th citation guidelines for citations.


Submissions will be accepted from January 1 to April 15 (extended from April 1). Abstract submissions will undergo a double-blind review process, so they should not include author information in the abstract file. Decisions on submissions will be communicated to authors by May 31.

All submissions should be made to×2022


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