Invitation to annual general meeting
Experience Research Society EXPRESSO invites all members to the Society’s inaugural annual general meeting to take place remotely in Zoom. All statutory matters mandated by the Society’s bylaws will be considered and decided on in the meeting, while other business can be discussed after the AGM.
Time: Thursday 7 October 2021 at 15:00 CEST (Convert to your time zone)
All members interested in joining the Society’s Executive Committee as a member or chair are encouraged to register their interest prior to the AGM with the Society’s secretary Markus Ahola,
- Opening the meeting
- Legitimacy of the meeting and confirmation of quorum
- Approving the agenda
- Electing meeting officials: chair, secretary, reviewers of minutes, tellers of votes
- Announcements
- Action report 2021
- presenting the interim action report of the Society’s inaugural year
- statutory matters on financial statement, auditor’s report, and discharging from liability for the accounts do not apply in the Society’s inaugural year
- Action plan 2022
- deciding to develop the action plan for 2022 by the end of 2021
- reviewing the action plan of the Society’s inaugural year
- Budget and membership fees 2022
- Election of Chair of the Executive Committee
- for the term until the Society’s next AGM
- Election of the Executive Committee
- for the term until the Society’s next AGM
- Election of auditors for operations and finances in 2021
- Closing the meeting
Other business